Argentinian actress Mayra Nuñez transitioned from film to Reality TV. This is about to get real!

Get to know Miss Multiverse Argentina 2021 contestant, Mayra Nuñez by checking out how she answered our quickfire questions as she prepares for the new season of this popular Reality Show & Competition.5 min

337 points
Miss Multiverse Argentina 2021- Mayra Nuñez

In the entertainment industry, it is a common trend for actors to make their start in television and them movies. Reality television shows tend to be interspersed with “confessionals”, short interview segments in which cast members reflect on or provide context. Most reality TV is scripted within an inch of its life. But what will happen to this upcoming Argentinian actress in Miss Multiverse, where some say reality becomes so real. This sport among women, is the real deal, some call it “The beauty Olympics”, the search for the most amazing woman on earth.

Get to know Miss Multiverse Argentina 2021 contestant, Mayra Nuñez by checking out how she answered our quickfire questions as she prepares for the new season of this popular Reality Show & Competition that will be filmed in the Dominican Republic. This Argentinian model with sublime beauty is described as a warrior a power woman whom will compete head-to-head with other like minded women from around the world. This all out battle will unfold in the sparkling, crystal clear ocean waves define the area of this picture-perfect tropical paradise.

  • Can you give us a short biography of yourself? who are you, where are you from? Education? Contests you participated in?

My name is Mayra Nuñez, I am 21 years old and I am from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I started working from a young age as a model for haute couture, runway and commercial. I had the opportunity to travel to different parts of the world thanks to my work and that’s what I am most passionate about, interacting with new people and savoring different cultures. When I graduated from high school, I moved to Los Angeles CA where I developed my acting side at Loyola Marymount University and starred my first short film called “On the other Side,” among other Hollywood productions.

I am currently in the City of Buenos Aires studying journalism at the University of Palermo, I do cross-fit and I practice different artistic disciplines: pole sport, pole exotic and aerial acrobatic hoop.

  • What is your motivation to participate in Miss Multiverse 2021?

This reality show has a different energy, it is for competitive women with clear objectives. The idea of ​​being the best motivates me a lot and winning in the name of my country would fill me with pride. it’s a once in life experience and I’m going to enjoy every moment.

  • What is your idea of happiness and success?

Happiness is to flow in the good and bad moments of life to let it surprise you. Success is earned on a day-to-day basis and is reflected in the things we do with love and to grow as people.

“The power for creating. A better future is contained in the present moment: You create a good future by creating a good present” – Eckhart Tolle.

  • How do you plan to contribute to the society if you win Miss Multiverse 2021?

There are all kinds of problems in society, especially after the pandemic. Argentina had the longest quarantine in the world and the political decisions that were taken to face this unexpected event left thousands of middle-class people below the poverty line, without access to basic resources and education.  If I get to win Miss Multiverse 2021 I would like to work on different causes related to society, the environment, animals and children.

  • What have you learned through these last months of the pandemic?

The pandemic gave me the opportunity to reflect on a lot of things and I matured a lot.  I decided to use my free time to improve myself and I discovered sports, which renewed my energy and keep me healthy.  I saw in virtuality the opportunity to study and my career surprised me, the things that I learned in recent times helped me to understand a little more the world.

  • Who is the most inspiring person in your life and how?

The most inspiring people for me are my two grandparents that at the age of 74 travel the corners of Argentina doing solidarity actions with a group called “Friends without borders”.

The trips they make are incredible, they cross all kinds of landscapes and met people and children who receive them with gratitude. They are kind, don’t judge anyone and help those in need. Without a doubt, I would like to live my mature years like them, full of life.

  • What is the role of the Internet or social networking sites on you?

As a journalist, the media, the internet and social networks are essential to keep me updated, I’m always curious about different topics and I surf the net in search of information. Also, I love sharing my life on Instagram and using it as a meeting point with different people and brands.

  • What is the biggest mistake you have ever made in your life? What have you done to overcome it?

A big mistake in my life was denying love for a long time.  I was doing it out of fear of getting hurt and having the belief that a boyfriend would take my time and cause me problems, I used to have a cold personality.  Now that I experienced it, I realized that the right company can motivate you to grow as a person and to love yourself, which is the main thing.  We love each other, we accompany each other and we do not judge each other.

  • How can you differentiate your countries fashion compared to the rest of the world?

The fashion industry in Argentina is badly hit: the population’s loss of purchasing power, high taxes on sellers and the lack of importation of fabrics mean that very few people bet on such a risky business. However, we have amazing designers and stores that offer one-of-a-kind pieces.

We Argentines wear clothes with attitude and we adapt to trends creatively. During the day we are very calm but when night comes we give it all.

  • What are your strengths and weaknesses in this contest?

I’m gonna stand out in every challenge that Miss Multiverse 2021 imposes on me, but especially in sport challenges.  I’ve been preparing hard in recent months, I have the strength, the endurance and the competitive spirit. I always give 100% in what I propose, and I am ready for anything but this is my first contest and the other girls have the experience.

  • Have you traveled to the Dominican Republic before? And if yes how did you like it?

I never traveled to the Dominican Republic but I always wanted to go.  Nothing more beautiful than the Caribbean climate and dream beaches.

  • Are you involved in any Charity work or organization if yes then how it contributes social & economical changes?

I’m not doing any community work at the moment but I hope to learn to be more supportive in this contest. This year we are building a school for children living in rural areas.

  • What makes you a Power Woman?

I’m a powerful woman because I’m free and I seek to succeed on my own, I like to break what is established and I don’t want a traditional life.

  • What is your biggest dream, one that you could make come true and how would you do this?

My biggest dream is to see myself as a successful journalist in the future, an opinion leader who sees beyond what is established.  I’m sure that my work will allow me to travel to places that I never imagined and that excites me, I’m fighting for that.

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