Valeria Sizova: (6/9)

255 points

Celebrity News

Society typically measures success by the amount of money and luxurious possessions; however, among modern women winning the crown has become the ultimate barometer of success.

Valeria is the winner of the Miss Multiverse Crown 2020-2021, at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. This elimination style competition and TV show seeks for the most amazing woman on earth. 

Valeria became the winner of the ‘Last Woman Standing’ The six hours endurance challenge pushes them to dig deeper than they ever have, and it literally does NOT end until the last woman is standing.

It's the hard work and passion that drives these women and makes them an inspiration for others. The Miss Multiverse International Contest, recently announced Valeria to undertake the role as the national director for the Miss Multiverse Australia edition 2021 to showcase the diversity and achievements of Australia’s most outstanding women.

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